Welcome to the Random Acts of Kindness Society!
This year is going to be full of fun events for members as well as opportunities to get out into the city to spread the joy of kindness.
For new students, both undergraduate as well as postgraduate, this society is all about the little moments that make your day or a stranger's day a little brighter. This could be anything from planning volunteering outings or challenging yourself to compliment a stranger. It's the little things that always add up to something great!
With the new fall term kicking off, this will be the site where you can find past events as well as upcoming ways to get involved! Membership is FREE! Which means you have one more reason to join out lovely bunch. There's no time commitments either, feel free to engage as much or as little as you'd like!
The aim for the blog this year is to highlight moments from our events as well as share information and resources that we found useful or worthwhile! Be sure to check back in from time to time for updates as the year goes on.
Finally, we are SO VERY EXCITED to have you join the Random Acts of Kindness Society. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know each one of you better as the year progresses.
As always, have a splendid day!
- Hannah