This is a special edition blog post when we experience or encounter a noteworthy act of kindness in our lives or we have a member that submits one of their own!
This week our spotlight goes to a new member named Margot! She's a first year student and she's studying Biology! Margot recently came to us to share a story about a random act of kindness she experienced in one of her lectures. While us less science inclined students may not have labs, Margot was in the middle of a lab when one of her classmates had a mishap with their instruments. The lab needed to be completed in a certain amount of time and that was now not possible for her classmate with the faulty gear.
Without thinking, Margot went over to their station, helped with the malfunction and insisted that they work together to ensure everything was finished in a timely manner. She said the student, after visibly being very nervous was extremely grateful and they ended up getting coffee together after the lab was finished.
When it comes to school work everything is very tough but knowing that someone is willing to lend a helping hand is very reassuring. Margot said she didn't want anything in return or any sort of recognition for her help. She just hoped that if she were ever in a similar situation someone would take time away from their own work to ensure they both finished!
If you want more wholesome stories about kindness and genuine human interactions be sure to check out our social media pages (linked below) and come along to one of our many meetings or events!
As always, be kind!
- Hannah